
Workshop on Post-Pandemic Macroeconomics Agenda

Together with Columbia University’s Institute for Policy Dialogue and Center for Political Economy, IMPA co-sponsored the Workshop on Post-Pandemic Macroeconomics, held at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs on…


Bloomberg Hill Tax Brief

Bloomburg Covers IMPA Brief

IMPA’s report on the economic damage that would ensue if Congress were to pursue repeal of the Green Tax Credits, as proposed last year, was covered by Bloomburg.


Symposium on Tax Policy in an Unequal Economy

“The Symposium on Tax Policy in an Unequal Economy,” held at American University, was IMPA’s inaugural event. It featured presentations and a panel discussion on taxation policy in the United…


Policy Perspectives on Market Power

IMPA’s “Policy Perspectives on Market Power” was a small, high-powered conference that featured research presentations and wide-ranging discussions on the most crucial implications of market power for policymaking. The event…