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Visit The Hill to read more about IMPA's latest brief

THE HILL digs into IMPA’s latest brief

“Biden’s capital gains taxes could boost economic quality: Analysis,” by Tobias Burns. (June 2024)

POLITICO covers brief on capital gains and dividends

Scroll down to “LET’S RAISE SOME TAXES” to read the synopsis of IMPA’s brief in POLITICO’s Weekly Tax Newsletter. (June 2024)

Visit Politico Weekly Tax Newsletter covering brief on capital gains and dividends

Visit American University Press Release on IMPA Policy Brief

PRESS RELEASE: IMPA Releases Policy Brief on Biden Budget Proposal to Raise Capital Gains Taxes

Analysis finds increasing taxes on dividends and capital gains raises revenue without impacting economic growth. (June 2024)

Brief on clean energy credits mentioned in POLITICO

POLITICO’s Weekly Tax tipsheet neatly summarized IMPA’s March 2024 brief with the header “GREEN BRINGS GREEN.” (March 2024)

Visit Politico Weekly Tax tipsheet

Visit Bloomberg coverage of March 2024 report

Bloomberg covers IMPA Brief

IMPA’s March 2024 report on the economic damage that would ensue if Congress were to pursue repeal of the Green Tax Credits, as proposed last year, was covered by Bloomberg. Please note that a subscription is required for reading. (March 2024)

PRESS RELEASE: IMPA Releases Brief to Inform Tax Bill Debate

Analysis finds repealing clean energy credits would significantly reduce GDP, employment, and wages. (March 2024)

Visit American University press release

Visit The American Prospect article Ripping off the Invisible Straitjacket

IMPA launch noted in The Prospect

“Ripping off the Invisible Straitjacket,” by Lindsay Owens (April 2023)

IMPA’s analysis featured in The Atlantic

“We’ve Been Measuring the Economy All Wrong: Questionable theoretical assumptions drive economic models to rubber-stamp disastrous policy changes,” by Annie Lowrey, Please note that a subscription is required for reading. (March 2023)

Visit The Atlantic article We've Been Measuring the Economy All Wrong